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Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Category Status
cover Title: Honeybees from Close Up Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 26737 Category: BBKA Module 7 - Selection & Breeding of Honey bees Status: Available
cover Title: How to Make Beeswax Skin Creams for Use at Home Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 17052 Category: BBKA Module 2 - Honey bee Products and Forage Status: Available
cover Title: Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Beekeeping Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 46841 Category: General Reading Status: Available
cover Title: Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Beekeeping Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 48150 Category: General Reading Status: Available
cover Title: Improved Queen-Rearing, Or, How To Rear Large, Prolific, Long-Lived Queen Bees - The Results Of Nearly Half A Century's Experience In Rearing Queen Bees, ... Every-day Work Of The Queen-Rearing Apiary Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 16628 Category: NSBKA members' books available for loan Status: Available
cover Title: In Search of the Best Strains of Bees Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 24791 Category: BBKA Module 7 - Selection & Breeding of Honey bees Status: Available
cover Title: In Search of the Best Strains of Bees Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 15440 Category: BBKA Module 7 - Selection & Breeding of Honey bees Status: Available
cover Title: Increase Essentials Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 23252 Category: NSBKA members' books available for loan Status: Available
cover Title: Infectious Diseases of the Honey Bee Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 30158 Category: BBKA Module 3 - Honey bee Pests, Diseases and Poisoning Status: Available
cover Title: Keeping Bees Authors: Rating: 0 Hits: 22885 Category: General Reading Status: Available

The Association's apiary in North Shropshire


The Association maintains an apiary at an organic farm in North Shropshire. We hold regular meetings at the apiary during the summer, where members old and new can gain experience in handling bees.

Our Vision

visionWe encourage and develop
the art and science of bee keeping

visionWe strive to educate
Through group meetings, practical out apiary events and educational support 


The North Shropshire Beekeepers' Association - to encourage and develop the art and science of bee keeping